With Canarianfeeling you will find the right holiday home on La Gomera. On our website you will find more than 70 different accommodations all over the island.
For over 10 years we have been arranging individual holiday homes all over the island of La Gomera. Whether you are looking for a holiday home in the popular drop-out paradise of Valle Gran Rey, in the island's capital San Sebastian de La Gomera or in more remote places like Playa de Santiago, we always have something suitable for you. Even in the somewhat remote and still authentic places like Hermigua, Vallehermoso and Alojera we have a nice selection of holiday properties for you.
In this balanced island climate, most of the houses offer several outside living areas, a feature that would be unimaginable in northern or western Europe. Often the insides of the houses have large, double-wing and fully or partially glazed doors, which open out directly on to a terrace or a patio. In some instances, kitchens, shower rooms and other functional spaces can only be reached via an inner courtyard or a rooftop terrace. Here, people live mostly under the open sky and enjoy fantastic views, surrounded by often magnificent vegetation. A special treat for visitors to the paradise island in need of a little sun!
You can also book rental cars, whale watching tours, hikes and ferry tickets with us. We are looking forward to your inquiry.
Book your holiday home on La Gomera with Canarianfeeling. We are looking forward to your inquiry.
We found 17 holiday homes matching your requirements.